I'm not sure if using "Ram Ram" is exactly a good idea since it has
religious implications.

Yes, it is religious, but I argue it is no more religious than the Spanish "Adios", French "Adieu" or the English "Goodbye".
Religion plays a huge part in culture, so it is natural that it will also have its impact on the words.

On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 8:40 PM Visuwesh <visuweshm@gmail.com> wrote:
[புதன் மே 18, 2022] समीर सिंह Sameer Singh wrote:

>  Either way, I will ask for a greeting in Marathi, which uses the
>  Devanagari script as well.
> Marathi also uses Namsakaar.

I figured that would be the case.

> Of course there are also local greetings, so one solution is to use the standard greetings in Devanagari
> and local ones in Hindi, like रामराम (raam raam), पायलागू (paay lagu) etc.

I'm not sure if using "Ram Ram" is exactly a good idea since it has
religious implications. 
[ There was a thread about where we should draw the line with matters
  like these in emacs-devel recently as well.  ]