On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 4:49 AM Andrea Corallo wrote: > Hi Andreas, > > I pulled your branch, changed few stuffs on top and pushed to > scratch/native-comp-gcc-driver-options. > > Please have a look to see you are satisfied and works for you so we can > merge it. > I tested it out & it does work when compiled outside of nix - I see a weird failure about internal functions not being defined when I install it as part of nix, but I've convinced myself that this is related to the eln cache directory change that went in since I started this work & that still requires handling on the nix side, nothing to do with my patch on the emacs side (: I think you can merge this! Thanks so much! -- Andreas Fuchs, (http://|im:asf@|mailto:asf@)boinkor.net, antifuchs