I often run emacs in the terminal, and usually this is inside wezterm as my terminal emulator. Recently wezterm has added support for the modifyOtherKeys xterm extension, and since then emacs M-SPC has stopped working in the terminal (instead it inserts "~32"). I can get M-SPC working again in wezterm by preventing emacs from enabling modifyOtherKeys, either by setting xterm-extra-capabilities to nil or by stubbing out xterm--init-modify-other-keys. Initially we thought that this may be a problem with wezterm, but then I tried replicating with xterm and exactly the same thing happens. This suggests to me that the issue is with emacs rather than xterm or wezterm. To replicate: 1) run: xterm -e emacs -nw -Q 2) in say *scratch* check whether M-SPC works or whether it inserts ~32 (for me it inserts ~32) To replicate disabling modifyOtherKeys: 1) put the following into $HOME/test-dir/init.el ------ ;; Dirty hack to not use xterm modifyOtherKeys feature (defun my-disable-xterm--init-modify-other-keys (orig-fun &rest args)) (advice-add #'xterm--init-modify-other-keys :around #'my-disable-xterm--init-modify-other-keys) ------ 2) run: xterm -e emacs -nw --init-dir=$HOME/test-dir 3) in say *scratch* check whether M-SPC works or whether it inserts ~32 (for me it works correctly) This seems to demonstrate the out of the box behaviour being broken, but I don't understand enough about terminals etc to know whether there is some other factor at play. Relevant link where this was discussed: https://github.com/CyberShadow/term-keys/issues/14 Cheers, Len.