Yes, it would create less confusion IMvvvHO

Thanks, /PA

On Mon, 16 Jan 2023 at 10:58, Daniel Martín <> wrote:
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes:

> Currently, warnings are visually "enhanced" with a ⛔ sign.
> However, the warning signs are ⚠️ or its slightly different European
> version.

I had the same question as you, but it turns out that the ⛔ icon is not
intended to represent a warning, it is a button that you can click to
*suppress* that warning type.

Perhaps we can choose a different Emoji to avoid confusion.  I don't
mind showing ⚠️ as the icon for that button, indeed.

Fragen sind nicht da um beantwortet zu werden,
Fragen sind da um gestellt zu werden
Georg Kreisler

Headaches with a Juju log:
unit-basic-16: 09:17:36 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation we should run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet