hm... I tried it in as well and it flickers less, likely because it uses 256 colors, whereas in alacritty or iTerm2, I use 24 bit colors.

I tried to record a video of the behavior:

On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 10:41 PM Gerd Möllmann <> wrote:
Gerd Möllmann <> writes:

> I tried your recipe here with emacs -Q (Emacs 28.1 from Homebrew) in a
> maximaized window, with a font as tiny as I could get (with
> Command +/-).  I could not reproduce the flickering.
> Does this happen for you with emacs -Q in Terminal?

BTW. this was

GNU Emacs 28.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin21.3.0) of 2022-04-30

and I'm running macOS 12.5.1.

Maybe someone else having access to maxOS 11 can reproduce this?

*If you get an email from me outside of the 9-5 it is not because I'm always on or expect an immediate response from you; it is because of work flexibility.  Evening and weekend emails are a sign I allocated some regular working hours for other things (such as family, gym, friends,...).  And I encourage you to feel free to do the same.