All of the environments I work with now have aspell, so I can't provide more details.  Please feel free to close it.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 7:15 AM Lars Ingebrigtsen <> wrote:
Eli Barzilay <> writes:

> I have encountered a bunch of problems with hunspell.  Trying to list
> them now, and there are two that I can point it.  (They might cover all
> of the problems that I've seen before.):
> 1. Trying to use it with the word "readbillity" in one Emacs process
>    just didn't do anything.  I then tried it with "hunspell -a" on the
>    command line and that worked fine.  I then started Emacs with "-q" to
>    write this, and it still didn't work -- but now it works fine in all
>    three cases (the other Emacs process, the command line, and this
>    one).  Luckily, I still had an error message in *Messages*, so I know
>    that it wasn't a dream...  In case it helps -- it says:
>      ispell-word: Ispell and its process have different character maps

(This bug report unfortunately got no response at the time.)

I'm unable to reproduce this bug with Emacs 28.

emacs -Q
M-: (setq ispell-program-name "hunspell") RET

and then `M-$' on:

;; readabillity

This pops up the normal options.

Are you still seeing this problem in more recent Emacs versions?  If so,
do you have a recipe to reproduce it, starting from "emacs -Q"?

> 2. This seems looks like a problem with hunspell (I reported it there),
>    but meanwhile, it might be best to avoid it as a default if there's
>    no way around it, or at least if there's a way to find if this bug is
>    present.  The problem is that it takes a single quote ("'") as part
>    of the word, so if I `quote' or 'quote' things, it suggests removing
>    the quotes.  (It does that on that last line, for example.)

I'm not sure I understand the problem here at all, but then again, it
might have been fixed over the passing years.

;; 'readabillity'

in a text-mode buffer works as you'd expect -- it only corrects the word
inside the single quotes.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog:

                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                  Eli Barzilay:
                           Maze is Life!