> > or did you run it from inside another Emacs session? No. Also, does the same command succeed if you run it from the Bash > command line? Does it succeed if you run it from the cmd.exe command > line? No, has nothing to do with it. I've got something amazing/phenomenal here. Read carefully. With "-g -O0" it can reserve memory just fine and everything builds successfully. With "-O3" it fails with the first try, i.e. with the size of 0x68000000 and the corresponding error is: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY > 8 (0x8) > Not enough storage is available to process this command. Since with "-g -O0" it succeeds, it cannot be debugged with GDB. For "-O3" I used simple `printf' testing. I can test "-O2" if you are interested. What does it smell like? A toolchain bug?