Hi, I found bug on display a popup window from auto-complete-mode. I attach two screenshot and init.el. Bug appear when global-linum-mode is on. Commit e589765 bring this bug. I changed the line that seemed most appropriate. I not understand how it work, but this patch fix it: --- a/src/xdisp.c +++ b/src/xdisp.c @@ -3434,6 +3434,7 @@ handle_stop (struct it *it) it->dpvec = NULL; it->current.dpvec_index = -1; handle_overlay_change_p = !it->ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p; + it->ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = false; it->ellipsis_p = 0; /* Use face of preceding text for ellipsis (if invisible) */ Note, this patch do not break fix by e589765 ( http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2015-02/msg00075.html). Screenshots also uploaded to the external server: http://www.embddr.com/emacs-popup-good.png http://www.embddr.com/emacs-popup-bad.png Init.el: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . " http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/")) (package-initialize) (require 'auto-complete-config) (auto-complete-mode t) (ac-config-default) (global-linum-mode t) Nikolay Puzanov.