After building recent head, I started to see Args out of range errors occasionally. sort: Args out of range: [nil :family :foundry :swidth :height :weight :slant :underline :inverse :foreground ...], 19 I inspected a little, and I think a found the problem. Commit f9206f34d63104c50659a15d3615646a09df87bf intorduced new LFACE_EXTEND_INDEX enum for lface_attribute_index in src/dispextern.h, but probably forgot to add corresponding value to internal-lisp-face-attributes defvar, causing an arg-out-of-range error for few face related functions. After adding :extend keyword to internal-lisp-face-attributes the error don't occur. (setq internal-lisp-face-attributes [nil :family :foundry :swidth :height :weight :slant :underline :inverse :foreground :background :stipple :overline :strike :box :font :inherit :fontset :vector :extend])