Hi, I don't use Emacs (or this email address) any more, so I'm afraid I can't check. 2016-01-15 23:16 GMT+01:00 Marcin Borkowski : > On 2009-08-27, at 23:41, Deniz Dogan wrote: > > > When I have Caps Lock turned on and hit C-u, emacs will recognize this > > as C-S-u and then translate it to C-u. However, if I hit C-u C-u C-u > > with Caps Lock turned on, it will result in just a single C-u. > > > > Reproduction of this issue: > > 1. Turn Caps Lock on (or just hold shift throughout the rest of these > > instructions) > > 2. C-u C-u C-u > > 3. Wait for the key sequence to show up in the echo area > > 4. Hit e.g. "i" > > 5. Notice how only four characters were inserted. > > Hello, > > I tried to reproduce this against Emacs, and could not. Could > you check whether the problem persists on your end? > > Thanks in advance, > > -- > Marcin Borkowski > http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski > Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science > Adam Mickiewicz University > -- Deniz Dogan