Sorry, I replied to Eli Zaretskii forgetting to CC the list. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Left Right Date: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:30 PM Subject: Re: bug#11813: Segmentation fault on launch related to x_draw_glyph_string_background To: Eli Zaretskii I've reset the flags to no optimization and recompiled, and I see the same error. Below is the full log, I'll paste it here in case the list doesn't accept attachments, sorry if it will come out crooked. Starting program: /home/wvxvw/projects/emacs-sources/emacs/src/emacs -q [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x000000000056c02e in x_draw_glyph_string_background (s=0x7fffffffba40, force_p=1) at xterm.c:1210 1210          else if (FONT_HEIGHT (s->font) < s->height - 2 * box_line_width #0  0x000000000056c02e in x_draw_glyph_string_background (s=0x7fffffffba40, force_p=1) at xterm.c:1210        box_line_width = 0 #1  0x0000000000571508 in x_draw_glyph_string (s=0x7fffffffba40) at xterm.c:2814        relief_drawn_p = 0 #2  0x0000000000493044 in draw_glyphs (w=0x146bdc0, x=850, row=0x16748e0, area=TEXT_AREA, start=0, end=68, hl=DRAW_NORMAL_TEXT, overlaps=0) at xdisp.c:23404        head = 0x7fffffffbbe0        tail = 0x7fffffffb940        s = 0x7fffffffba40        clip_head = 0x0        clip_tail = 0x0        i = 68        j = 32        x_reached = 850        last_x = 841        area_left = 1        f = 0x146adb0 #3  0x000000000049a056 in x_write_glyphs (start=0xf20600, len=68) at xdisp.c:25046        x = 0        hpos = 0        chpos = 0 #4  0x0000000000415c2c in update_text_area (w=0x146bdc0, vpos=37) at dispnew.c:3773        current_row = 0xf23b90        desired_row = 0x16748e0        rif = 0xab19c0        changed_p = 0 #5  0x000000000041676d in update_window_line (w=0x146bdc0, vpos=37, mouse_face_overwritten_p=0x7fffffffc16c) at dispnew.c:4014        current_row = 0xf23b90        desired_row = 0x16748e0        rif = 0xab19c0        changed_p = 0 #6  0x000000000041563e in update_window (w=0x146bdc0, force_p=1) at dispnew.c:3575        end = 0x16748e0        mode_line_row = 0x16748e0        header_line_row = 0x0        changed_p = 0        mouse_face_overwritten_p = 0        row = 0x16723e0        yb = 612        n_updated = 0        desired_matrix = 0x11d6bb0        paused_p = 15208032        preempt_count = 9        rif = 0xab19c0 #7  0x0000000000414cbc in update_window_tree (w=0x146bdc0, force_p=1) at dispnew.c:3340        paused_p = 0 #8  0x00000000004149a8 in update_frame (f=0x146adb0, force_p=1, inhibit_hairy_id_p=1) at dispnew.c:3269        paused_p = 0        root_window = 0x146bdc0 #9  0x000000000045f36f in echo_area_display (update_frame_p=1) at xdisp.c:10752        n = 1        mini_window = 21417429        w = 0x146cdd0        f = 0x146adb0        window_height_changed_p = 0        sf = 0x146adb0 #10 0x000000000045ad75 in message3_nolog (m=23714017, nbytes=65, multibyte=0) at xdisp.c:9628        mini_window = 21417429        frame = 21409205        f = 0x146adb0        sf = 0x146adb0 #11 0x000000000045a8cc in message3 (m=23714017, nbytes=65, multibyte=0) at xdisp.c:9565        gcpro1 = {          next = 0x7fffffffc430,          var = 0x6a9c9b,          nvars = 0        } #12 0x0000000000699686 in Fmessage (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc4f0) at editfns.c:3436        val = 23714017 #13 0x00000000006a8de7 in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc4e8) at eval.c:2802        fun = 14492773        original_fun = 15278610        funcar = 15361794        numargs = 2        lisp_numargs = 6827520        val = 11994129        backtrace = {          next = 0x7fffffffc940,          function = 0x7fffffffc4e8,          args = 0x7fffffffc4f0,          nargs = 2,          debug_on_exit = 0        }        internal_args = 0x7fffffffc9d8        i = 15279986 #14 0x0000000000718bbc in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11994369, vector=11994557, maxdepth=24, args_template=0, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffffc9d8) at bytecode.c:784        count = 4        op = 2        vectorp = 0xb705c8        stack = {          pc = 0xd9cad0 ")\207",          byte_string = 11994369,          byte_string_start = 0xd9ca97 "\305\030\t\206\071",          constants = 11994557,          next = 0x7fffffffcac0        }        top = 0x7fffffffc4e8        result = 15527856 #15 0x00000000006a9c9b in funcall_lambda (fun=11994317, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc9d8) at eval.c:2986        val = 8589921008        syms_left = 0        next = 19143602        lexenv = 412        count = 4        i = 2        optional = -13792        rest = 32767 #16 0x00000000006a9529 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffc9d0) at eval.c:2869        fun = 11994317        original_fun = 19439986        funcar = 100000000        numargs = 0        lisp_numargs = 23522358        val = 140737488347888        backtrace = {          next = 0x7fffffffcea0,          function = 0x7fffffffc9d0,          args = 0x7fffffffc9d8,          nargs = 0,          debug_on_exit = 0        }        internal_args = 0x7fffffffcf30        i = 0 #17 0x0000000000718bbc in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11996273, vector=11997101, maxdepth=88, args_template=1028, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffcf38) at bytecode.c:784        count = 4        op = 0        vectorp = 0xb70fb8        stack = {          pc = 0xd9c51a "\210\b\203\021",          byte_string = 11996273,          byte_string_start = 0xd9c518 "\306 \210\b\203\021",          constants = 11997101,          next = 0x7fffffffd000        }        top = 0x7fffffffc9d0        result = 140737488341568 #18 0x00000000006a9c9b in funcall_lambda (fun=11996221, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffcf30) at eval.c:2986        val = 4310088018        syms_left = 1028        next = 15147520        lexenv = 14970704        count = 4        i = 140737488345264        optional = 22        rest = 0 #19 0x00000000006a9529 in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcf28) at eval.c:2869        fun = 11996221        original_fun = 19437266        funcar = 15147520        numargs = 1        lisp_numargs = 6827520        val = 19597478        backtrace = {          next = 0x7fffffffd3e0,          function = 0x7fffffffcf28,          args = 0x7fffffffcf30,          nargs = 1,          debug_on_exit = 0        }        internal_args = 0x12b0896        i = 15279746 #20 0x0000000000718bbc in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11955625, vector=11957277, maxdepth=72, args_template=0, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffffd478) at bytecode.c:784        count = 4        op = 1        vectorp = 0xb67428        stack = {          pc = 0xd9f3d7 "\210\016H\203\214\005\201\300",          byte_string = 11955625,          byte_string_start = 0xd9ee57 "\306 \020\307\021\n\023\307\024\310\311!\211\307=\204\060",          constants = 11957277,          next = 0x7fffffffd4f0        }        top = 0x7fffffffcf28        result = 23097713 #21 0x00000000006a9c9b in funcall_lambda (fun=11955573, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd478) at eval.c:2986        val = 140737488345264        syms_left = 0        next = 140737488343984        lexenv = 6786392        count = 4        i = 5        optional = -11112        rest = 32767 #22 0x00000000006a9529 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd470) at eval.c:2869        fun = 11955573        original_fun = 19238802        funcar = 15147520        numargs = 0        lisp_numargs = 6827520        val = 15120722        backtrace = {          next = 0x7fffffffda40,          function = 0x7fffffffd470,          args = 0x7fffffffd478,          nargs = 0,          debug_on_exit = 0        }        internal_args = 0x1607171        i = 22203478 #23 0x0000000000718bbc in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11951433, vector=11951885, maxdepth=32, args_template=0, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffffd8b0) at bytecode.c:784        count = 3        op = 0        vectorp = 0xb65f18        stack = {          pc = 0xd9f934 "\210)\210\351\352\353\"\210\354\321\355\"\211;\203\256",          byte_string = 11951433,          byte_string_start = 0xd9f89f "\b\203\b",          constants = 11951885,          next = 0x0        }        top = 0x7fffffffd470        result = 140737308851520 #24 0x00000000006a9c9b in funcall_lambda (fun=11951381, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd8b0) at eval.c:2986        val = 140737353973760        syms_left = 0        next = 140737308427896        lexenv = 140737293415912        count = 3        i = 4294969316        optional = 33        rest = 0 #25 0x00000000006a98c5 in apply_lambda (fun=11951381, args=15120722) at eval.c:2929        args_left = 15120722        i = 0        numargs = 0        arg_vector = 0x7fffffffd8b0        gcpro1 = {          next = 0x0,          var = 0x15f0778,          nvars = 0        }        gcpro2 = {          next = 0x100000000,          var = 0xffffffff,          nvars = 140737488345680        }        gcpro3 = {          next = 0x7fff00000001,          var = 0x0,          nvars = 140733193388033        }        tem = 2        sa_count = 3        sa_must_free = 0 #26 0x00000000006a7120 in eval_sub (form=15346758) at eval.c:2212        fun = 11951381        val = 140737353973760        original_fun = 19139458        original_args = 15120722        funcar = 15120722        backtrace = {          next = 0x0,          function = 0x7fffffffda70,          args = 0x7fffffffd8b0,          nargs = 0,          debug_on_exit = 0        }        gcpro1 = {          next = 0x7fffffffdaa0,          var = 0x683a75,          nvars = 2822930839        }        gcpro2 = {          next = 0x7ffff7fd66e0,          var = 0x7fffffffda90,          nvars = 276967387        }        gcpro3 = {          next = 0x7ffff4617000,          var = 0x7fffffffda70,          nvars = 1        } #27 0x00000000006a6270 in Feval (form=15346758, lexical=15120722) at eval.c:2021        count = 2 #28 0x00000000005cc3bf in top_level_2 () at keyboard.c:1164 No locals. #29 0x00000000006a446d in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x5cc3a2 , handlers=15172450, hfun=0x5cbea5 ) at eval.c:1333        val = 6079425        c = {          tag = 15120722,          val = 15120722,          next = 0x7fffffffdd00,          gcpro = 0x0,          jmp = {{              __jmpbuf = {2, -5741430973350281040, 4243568, 140737488347888, 0, 0, -5741430973453041488, 5741431852756107440},              __mask_was_saved = 0,              __saved_mask = {                __val = {4294967295, 0, 1, 11191568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140737351960338, 1, 0, 1, 140737308399024, 1, 2, 140737488346656}              }            }},          backlist = 0x0,          handlerlist = 0x0,          lisp_eval_depth = 0,          pdlcount = 2,          poll_suppress_count = 1,          interrupt_input_blocked = 0,          byte_stack = 0x0        }        h = {          handler = 15172450,          var = 15120722,          chosen_clause = 140737488346080,          tag = 0x7fffffffdb90,          next = 0x0        } #30 0x00000000005cc3f9 in top_level_1 (ignore=15120722) at keyboard.c:1172 No locals. #31 0x00000000006a3cfd in internal_catch (tag=15168242, func=0x5cc3c1 , arg=15120722) at eval.c:1090        c = {          tag = 15168242,          val = 15120722,          next = 0x0,          gcpro = 0x0,          jmp = {{              __jmpbuf = {2, -5741430973297852240, 4243568, 140737488347888, 0, 0, -5741430973339795280, 5741431850440851632},              __mask_was_saved = 0,              __saved_mask = {                __val = {15120722, 140737488346608, 6830709, 0, 4302523939, 140737311891096, 15120722, 15340368, 140737488346712, 14, 15147520, 14523360, 6827487, 140737488346672,                  15120722, 4243568}              }            }},          backlist = 0x0,          handlerlist = 0x0,          lisp_eval_depth = 0,          pdlcount = 2,          poll_suppress_count = 1,          interrupt_input_blocked = 0,          byte_stack = 0x0        } #32 0x00000000005cc31d in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1127 No locals. #33 0x00000000005cb6f1 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:754        count = 1        val = 6077156 #34 0x00000000005cbacc in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:818        count = 0        buffer = 15120722 #35 0x00000000005c927c in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe2f8) at emacs.c:1693        dummy = 140737354131128        stack_bottom_variable = 0 '\000'        do_initial_setlocale = 1        skip_args = 0        rlim = {          rlim_cur = 8720000,          rlim_max = 18446744073709551615        }        no_loadup = 0        junk = 0x0        dname_arg = 0x0        ch_to_dir = 0x3d8f538
Lisp Backtrace: "message" (0xffffc4f0) "display-startup-echo-area-message" (0xffffc9d8) "command-line-1" (0xffffcf30) "command-line" (0xffffd478) "normal-top-level" (0xffffd8b0) $1 = {  x = 82,  y = 631,  ybase = 649,  width = 288,  background_width = 288,  height = 25,  left_overhang = 0,  right_overhang = 0,  f = 0x146adb0,  w = 0x146bdc0,  display = 0x161a6b0,  window = 52428926,  row = 0x16748e0,  area = TEXT_AREA,  char2b = 0x0,  nchars = 12,  hl = DRAW_NORMAL_TEXT,  face = 0x16549c0,  font = 0x0,  cmp = 0x0,  cmp_id = 0,  cmp_from = 0,  cmp_to = 0,  extends_to_end_of_line_p = 0,  background_filled_p = 0,  two_byte_p = 0,  font_not_found_p = 0,  stippled_p = 0,  for_overlaps = 0,  padding_p = 0,  gc = 0xf64360,  first_glyph = 0xf20780,  img = 0x0,  slice = {    x = 0,    y = 0,    width = 0,    height = 0  },  clip_head = 0x0,  clip_tail = 0x0,  clip = {{      x = 1,      y = 631,      width = 840,      height = 25    }, {      x = 0,      y = 0,      width = 0,      height = 0    }},  num_clips = 1,  underline_position = 0,  underline_thickness = 0,  next = 0x7fffffffb940,  prev = 0x7fffffffbbe0 } Continuing. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff548a497 in kill () from /lib/ A debugging session is active.        Inferior 1 [process 27265] will be killed. Quit anyway? (y or n) As an aside, I also tried to compile it with no XFT support, with the same result. When configuring for this compilation I didn't add any more options, just the --enable-checking --enable-asserts. Best. Oleg