On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 2:53 AM Alan Third <alan@idiocy.org> wrote:
I've reverted the change, but I'm not keen to make the above changes
because they're not trivial, I don't understand them, and I would
basically be copying and pasting code. I suspect we could have license
issues with that. If anyone knows different feel free to chime in.

I have also tried adding:


To the plist and it still napped. 

The code referenced is getting the main bundle, then getting its Info.plist and writing `NSAppSleepDisabled` to be true. I’m sure you can tell that. What I don’t know is if it actually modifies the Info.plist, or if it has the same effect as the “defaults write” work around below. 

It also appears to not be the “correct”[1] way to disable appnap, which, afaict, requires objective c[2]?

[1]: http://lists.apple.com/archives/java-dev/2014/Feb/msg00051.html
[2]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5804/files
For future reference, here are the known work-arounds for this problem:

1. At the command prompt: defaults write org.gnu.Emacs NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES

2. Right-click on the Emacs icon and select 'get info' and tick the
   'Disable App Nap' checkbox. (Although I don't get that tick box...)

Nor do I, it’d be nice if we knew why this was.

3. Run in daemon mode: Emacs as a daemon has no GUI so app nap
   is disabled automatically.

I wonder if it would be worth posting to an apple mailing list about this? It seems to be an edge case—an app that is sometimes a gui+daemon. I’ve also been unable to find Cocoa equivalents to the APIs mentioned as the proper way to disable app nap (if we could use these, we could begin an activity when a server starts, so app nap would only be disabled in that case). If there were an easy way to detect a tty frame coming into and leaving existence it could even be done around that.
