On October 31, 2018 at 10:13:01 AM, Alan Third (alan@idiocy.org(mailto:alan@idiocy.org)) wrote: > I was hoping I’d manage to get something going with this but it’s > completely fine here. Does the line blank, then redraw, then the image > loads in its new buffer? AFAICT it blanks, then loads the buffer. If I go back to the previous buffer the line is filled in. If I attempt to load the same image again, it does not blank. It’s only the first time for each image. > Something is blanking the line. There are only so many places where > that happens so in theory it should be relatively straight‐forward to > find the place in question. Perhaps start by commenting out the > NSRectFill commands in ns_clear_frame and ns_clear_frame_area. I commented out every single NSRectFill and it still did it. It’s fast, but gif attached. I tried commenting out the setNeedsDisplay but that breaks rendering entirely.