Hi Alan, On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 2:19 AM Alan Third wrote: > Hi Aaron, > > Sorry for taking so long to respond. I still see Emacs going into app > nap mode with this. Is it working for you? > Yes, it's working for me. I just tested it again. I have seen reports of it not working: https://github.com/TauLabs/TauLabs/pull/2064#discussion_r45091777 And an alternative: https://github.com/TauLabs/TauLabs/pull/2094/files That alternative is actually what I do today, but on the command line: defaults write org.gnu.Emacs NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES I'm not familiar enough with the Emacs code to know where to add something like https://github.com/TauLabs/TauLabs/pull/2094/files#diff-5241674ea359ea2649ae759e69862569R268 but maybe it can help you or someone else if the previous suggestion doesn't work for all. -- Aaron