Running "makewhatis -w" on the afflicted system fixed everything :)  Sorry about the noise.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 8:15 PM Eric Hanchrow <> wrote:
Did that -- I tried again with -Q, after having moved ~/.emacs.d/elpa to ~/.emacs.d/elpa.hid.

I then of course had to M-x list-packages RET and install ivy again; that turned out to get me ivy-0.12.0, so I updated the repro.el file to reflect that, then started over (with -Q of course); it did just the same thing.

I started over, this time using the same git commit as the system which worked -- that failed too! So it's clearly not emacs.  I noticed that on the system that worked, "man -k ." yielded about 14000 lines of output, whereas on the system that failed, the same command yielded ".: nothing appropriate" ... so it's pretty likely that my "man" command is at fault, not Emacs.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:20 PM Štěpán Němec <> wrote:

Do you have some site-wide init? (emacs -q still loads that)

I'd try with emacs -Q and a clean package install (remove the
.emacs.d/elpa/ directory).
