Reproduce steps:

1. Emacs -Q

2. M-x eval-expression

  (setq cursor-type 'bar)
  (show-paren-mode 1))

3. Paste the following text in any .el file
(英文 括号)
(中文 括号)

4. Place the cursor at the first position (or last position) of each line.

The expected behavior: All of the four lines above match and highlight correctly

The actual behavior: The 4th line mismatched. Note the middle SPC character.


1. This issue only occurs in lisp-like modes. It is OK in c-mode and python-mode.

2. 【】「」『』have the same problem. They are also commonly used in lisp comment.

3.  A simple investigation found that it may be related to `scan-sexps` or syntax-table, because  `(scan-sexps outside dir)` in the `show-paren--default` returns the wrong value in the 4th case.

4. More screenshots and test code can be found in

Emacs 29.3 on Windows.


Best regards
Siyuan Chen