Yes, you are right Lars, I've also realized that this is an error from proxy.el file.
I don't use any kind of proxy, the steps are really simple to produce this error.

Step 1: Run 'emacs -Q'
Step 2: M-x and type 'set-language-environment'. Write the value 'Turkish'.
Step 3: M-x and 'eww'. Try to visit '' or any website you want.

That's all, you'll get a couple of 'Emergency (url): Unknown proxy directive: DIRECT'
On step 2, I've tried a bunch of different languages, the only problematic one is Turkish.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 4:39 PM Lars Ingebrigtsen <> wrote:
Fatih Aydin <> writes:

> Additional info: When I try to connect a website using eww, I again get this
> message a few more times while the website is loading:
> Emergency (url): Unknown proxy directive: DIRECT

So it doesn't sound like this has anything to do with GPG, but is a
problem with whatever you're using as an HTTP(S) proxy?

Do you have a step-by-step recipe for reproducing this error, starting
from "emacs -Q"?

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