> Please try the patch below. It works for me. Well, I've finally managed to install a working "patch" utility for Windows (MinGW has a package for it). I've applied the patch and built the branch. Now, after starting emacs (-Q -nw) and typing "áéíóúñç", Emacs shows different symbols (see attached screenshot), but if I copy them and paste here, the pasted symbols are the correct ones (áéíóúñç), instead of the ones I see in the screen. Also, if I go to one char, for example the "á", and do C-u C-x =, Emacs says (*): position: 192 of 196 (97%), column: 0 character: á (displayed as á) (codepoint 225, #o341, #xe1) preferred charset: iso-8859-1 (Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1)) code point in charset: 0xE1 syntax: w which means: word category: .:Base, L:Left-to-right (strong), c:Chinese, j:Japanese, l:Latin, v:Viet to input: type "C-x 8 RET HEX-CODEPOINT" or "C-x 8 RET NAME" buffer code: #xC3 #xA1 file code: #xE1 (encoded by coding system iso-latin-1-dos) display: terminal code #xE1 Character code properties: customize what to show name: LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE old-name: LATIN SMALL LETTER A ACUTE general-category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) decomposition: (97 769) ('a' '́') There are text properties here: fontified t ------- (*) Although, as I said, in the second line I don't see the "á" symbols in the screen, but another symbols (like a greek "beta"). -- Dani Moncayo