Recipe from "emacs -Q": 1. Visit the attached file. 2. Move point to the end of the "printf" sentence. 3. Type C-M-h 4. C-g 5. Type C-u C-SPC --> Expected result: The point moves back to the position it occupied just before step #3, i.e., to the end of the "printf" sentence. This is the behavior that makes sense, and the one you get if you replace steps #3 and #4 with "Type C-M-a". --> Observed result: The point moves to the end of the "main" function. In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-02-27 on DANI-PC Windowing system distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 6.1.7601 Configured using: `configure --with-gcc (4.6)' -- Dani Moncayo