Sorry, disregard, behavior is caused by plugin highlight-indent-guides

Am Mi., 2. Nov. 2022 um 17:16 Uhr schrieb Johann Höchtl <>:
When I open a large json file (about 3_000_000 lines, about 72Mb, pretty-printed) Emacs 29.0.50 opens the file just fine in `js-json-mode` and when using regexp-based font locking, it works well.

When I force this buffer into javascript-mode, Emacs hangs. Memory consumption as reported by Windows task manager "dances" around 2Gb, yet even after waiting for three minutes, Emacs doesn't get responsive any more.

I consider this an unfortunately regression as recent commits to Emacs 29 (long lines patches) actually makes working with such large files with long lines absolutely pleasant, yet as it seems the interaction with tree-sitter destroys this gains.