This code ran for years before it stopped working recently, and it doesn't look like the dirtrack.el code has changed either, but I could be wrong about that, the comment says the variable has not changed since 24.1.  Unfortunately,  Fedora 33 will not allow me to use dnf to go to an older release for emacs.  It  says that the one used now is the only package for emacs for F33.

I see in the dirtrack.el comments that a third prompt of t should be added for a multi line prompt.  I have added that.  It made no difference.  There are some good examples in the comments.  The prompt used for this bug report is much like their solaris example.

The dirtrack.el mentions regular expression groups as the second argument.  It is set to 1.  I do not know what that is referring to.  In any case, it does not look like the dirtrack-list is the problem. 

Rather it looks like the problem is that the input to (defun dirtrack (input)) is being limited to 48 chars.  It is not difficult to find paths on this system that exceed 44 chars in length (plus the prompt sugar).   Where is this limitation imposed?  Is there a variable for it somewhere?  It is disappointing that the regular expression match has a maximum length to trip on at all.

On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 3:17 PM Thomas Walker Lynch <> wrote: