FINALLY FIXED, Ran fixing of registry and cleaned it under CCleaner application, and now, its working!!

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 4:10 PM nitin choudhary <> wrote:
Now I created a new user under windows, and inside that org-mode is working fine when opening the emacs, so what has changed under my account, how to fix this?

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 11:33 AM nitin choudhary <> wrote:
How to use GDB, I tried installing msys2 emacs and cygwin emacs-w32 as well, both of them clean installed, zero config, opened and did M-x org-version, same result freezes on enter, and I can C-g to cancel it and emacs back to normal, emacs is working fine, its just org-mode not working at all, how can I debug this using GDB or any other way? I did tried debug-on-entry, no result there as well. Now, I'm starting to believe something has changed on my windows system, but what it is, I did updates and checked permissions, seems fine. I really need to fix this, I thought using msys2/cygwin won't have this problem, but surprisingly they're also not working!!

On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 1:35 PM Eli Zaretskii <> wrote:
[Please use Reply All to reply, to keep the bug tracker CC'ed.]

> From: nitin choudhary <>
> Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:47:18 +0530
> Yes, it's happening in emacs -Q too, everything was working fine, I changed nothing in my config, or pc, it just
> stopped working, deleted everything, uninstalled emacs, installed emacs and did emacs -Q, still same :/

Then I don't know what happens in your case, sorry.  Unless someone
else can reproduce and debug this, I'd say it's something specific to
your system.  If you have GDB installed, maybe try to attach it to
Emacs when it hangs, and produce a backtrace to tell us where it
hangs.  This could give us some hints regarding the possible