Thank you! I found the eieio-constructor references in the .elc files. I deleted the packages containing those references and reinstalled using the package manager. That fixed this problem. Packages reinstalled: gh, pcache, marshal, logito On Wed Feb 18 2015 at 2:37:21 PM Stefan Monnier wrote: > Do a "make bootstrap". If that's not enough, grep for > "eieio-constructor" in your *.elc files (yes: el*C*) and recompile those. > > > Stefan > > > >>>>> "Kaushal" == Kaushal writes: > > > Hi, > > I built emacs from git (commit > > > 81d89d88aef5de720e7fbeecbfb295d6eaf6fd37 > > ) and it runs fine except that it broke compatibility with a 3rd party > > package on Melpa called gist ( ). > > > I grepped for "eieio-constructor" in the package install directory but I > > found nothing. > > > So probably some internal call to that ex-function is causing this error. > > > I get this on enabling `debug-on-error': > > > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function eieio-constructor) > > eieio-constructor(gh-gist-api "api" :sync nil :cache t :num-retries 1) > > apply(eieio-constructor gh-gist-api ("api" :sync nil :cache t > > :num-retries 1)) > > gh-gist-api("api" :sync nil :cache t :num-retries 1) > > gist-get-api(nil) > > gist-list(nil) > > funcall-interactively(gist-list nil) > > #(gist-list record nil) > > ad-Advice-call-interactively(# gist-list > record > > nil) > > apply(ad-Advice-call-interactively # > (gist-list > > record nil)) > > call-interactively(gist-list record nil) > > command-execute(gist-list record) > > execute-extended-command(nil "gist-list") > > smex-read-and-run(("gist-list" "customize" "gist-buffer" "sml/setup" > > "git-gutter+-commit" "git-gutter+-mode" "guide-key-mode" "sos-sel" > > "list-packages" "count-words-region" "sos-diff" "zenburn" > > "sos-discardco-force" "leuven" "kmacro-insert-counter" > > "paradox-list-packages" "reload-init" "sos-up" "smyx" "modi-mode" > > "edebug-defun" "global-unset-key" "sos-co-nolock" "unbind-from-modi-map" > > "mc/insert-numbers" "modi/set-linum" "bzg-big-fringe-mode" > > "mc--insert-number-and-increase" "modi/outshine-table-of-contents" > > "fci-mode" "sos-discardco" "browse-url-firefox" "ggtags-update-tags" > > "describe-personal-keybindings" "load-file" "ediff-buffers" > > "toggle-truncate-lines" "revert-all-buffers" "calc" "sx-tab-newest" > > "customize-face" "shell-script-mode" "query-exchange" "number/add" > > "matlab-shell" "verilog-mode" "package-list-packages" "ag" > "describe-char" > > "emacs-lisp-mode" ...)) > > smex() > > funcall-interactively(smex) > > #(smex nil nil) > > ad-Advice-call-interactively(# smex nil nil) > > apply(ad-Advice-call-interactively # (smex > nil > > nil)) > > call-interactively(smex nil nil) > > command-execute(smex) > > > > Emacs version: GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ > Version > > 2.10.4) of 2015-02-18 >