> So the "solution" is not to specify any custom command line arguments.

The actual solution is to remove all custom arguments from the `command-line-args-left' while config is loading.

Then "THE BUG" is that the emacs daemon silently stays in half-working more like a hanging state in case if `command-line-args-left' is not nil after config is loaded.

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 12:28, Constantin Kulikov <zxnotdead@gmail.com> wrote:
So the "solution" is not to specify any custom command line arguments.
I consider it as a bug.

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 03:20, Constantin Kulikov <zxnotdead@gmail.com> wrote:
> input from terminal is not working properly
Well this is not true. It works with standard read-* methods, and fail if used with for example ivy-mode.

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 01:08, Constantin Kulikov <zxnotdead@gmail.com> wrote:
(And even the input from terminal is not working properly in that case. You can enter
string to terminal and it reacts to Enter key press, but seems like
input received by emacs is always nil)