The subject I put to the bug report maybe imprecise actually.

What is lost or maybe not taken into account is the :family parameter in the face.

Characters are inserted this way :

#(" - apache" 0 1 (face (:family "all-the-icons" :height 2.4) display (raise -0.24) rear-nonsticky t font-lock-ignore t))

with the square being \xe909 .

The family is taken into account if I do :

(message #(" - apache" 0 1 (face (:family "all-the-icons" :height 2.4) display (raise -0.24) rear-nonsticky t font-lock-ignore t)))

iie the glyph is displayed in the minibuffer, but not if I do

(insert #(" - apache" 0 1 (face (:family "all-the-icons" :height 2.4) display (raise -0.24) rear-nonsticky t font-lock-ignore t)))

in the *scratch* buffer.

Does that help ?


 and it has  worked previously 

2018-03-02 12:17 GMT+01:00 Eli Zaretskii <>:
> Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:59:53 +0200
> From: Eli Zaretskii <>
> Cc:
> > From: Fabrice Popineau <>
> > Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 11:29:11 +0100
> > Cc:
> >
> >  then please explain what you mean by
> >  "the font face is lost".
> >
> >  (I cannot afford repeating your recipe, because it requires installing
> >  weird fonts on my system.  Sorry.)
> >
> > I attach 2 screen captures to show the problem.
> >
> > First image is the glyph selection and second image shows that the font has been lost
> > somehow ("no font available").

Btw, aren't you supposed to use all-the-icons-insert to insert these