
unfortunately the bug is not reproducible. It happens every now and then.
This is the typical set up:
a) I am running aquamacs on Mac OS X 10.9 (now 10.9.3)
b) then I access a remote file on a ubuntu (12) / freebsd (10) machine
c) the file opens, but as soon as I modify something aquamacs freezes and I need to force quit the application.

How should I apply the patch?

Hope this helps.


Chiara Orsini

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu> wrote:
Thanks for the bug report.  Is the bug reproducible?  Does the attached patch fix it?  Sorry, I don't use OS X, so I can't easily test this fix.