Yes, this is the same bug. I think it is due to weird shell initialization in macOS -- it seems like the setting of erase key in TERMINFO and TERMCAP gets ignored. For now I just manually set 'stty ek' in my .zshrc/.bashrc if TERM == eterm-color. On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Alan Third wrote: > Jack Kamm writes: > > > On OSX, interactive programs in multi-term/ansi-term/term will insert > > the character "^?" instead of doing a backspace. > > > > Note that simply typing backspace on the command prompt works > > fine, it is only inside an interactive program (such as less > > or vim) that it breaks. > > > > To reproduce this, start emacs -Q, start ansi-term, > > type "echo foobar | less", type "/", start entering some text, > > and then hit backspace a few times. Instead of deleting > > the text, it will insert "^?" characters. > > This looks like it might be related to bug#5331: > > > -- > Alan Third >