Of course, I'm happy to try writing this. But there is one thing that I don't know what the best solution is: how to reuse the code in the function `adjust_frame_size' (defined in src/frame.c, used by `set-frame-size')? I want to add two arguments: `new_x' and `new_y'. When `new_x' and `new_y' are the same with the current frame position, execute the original branch (`set_window_size_hook' or `resize_frame_window'); otherwise, call a move and resize function. But I have to rename this function to `adjust_frame_position_and_size'. For compatibility, I will also create a wrapper function called `adjust_frame_size', in which `adjust_frame_position_and_size' is called with the current frame position as the last two args so that the frame will be only resized but not moved. Do you think this is an appropriate solution?