Thanks for the insightful answers. The issue was indeed PGTK, the official build of Emacs 28 works fine. I didn't realize that the version I used was not official, sorry.
However, the same issue still exists in Emacs 29 on Wayland and X (tested on GNOME on both X and Wayland, using emacs-git with PGTK from AUR, which compiles from development master branch), where PGTK is officially supported. Based on your responses, it seems that this is a known issue, but I cannot find any corresponding bug report (I could have missed it though, I'm a bit clumsy with GNU's bug report logs). Should this bug report be moved to Emacs version 29? Or should I report the issue again for Emacs 29?

On Sat, 19 Mar 2022 at 15:18, Lars Ingebrigtsen <> wrote:
Po Lu <> writes:

> Are you running PGTK?  It's not present in the official pretests of
> Emacs 28, but several very irresponsible individuals are haphazardly
> merging the code from Emacs 29 into Emacs 28, and then distributing
> packages labeled "enhanced or "wayland" on platforms such as the AUR.

Well, it's free software, so people can do what they want.  But bugs in
these Frankenstein Emacs versions should be reported to the people that
distribute them, which in this case is Arch Linux.

> The solution is to use the official build of Emacs 28, and to not use
> PGTK on X Windows if you want to run Emacs 29.

So there doesn't seem to be anything to be done on the Emacs side here,
and I'm therefore closing this bug report.

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