Is there any progress with allowing the user to customize the end-of-paragraph mark to be the OS paragraph separator character?

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 8:46 PM, Eli Zaretskii <> wrote:
> From: Itai Berli <>
> Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 20:01:25 +0300
> You did, but it would be much nicer for a noob like me to be able to simply type in my .emacs file something
> like: (bidi.markers.visible false), or maybe even
> (bidi.markers.ALM null)
> (bidi.markers.RLM ⊲)
> (bidi.markers.LRM ⊳)

Sorry, I don't see why the exact way how to customize this is so
important.  glyphless-char-display-control is a user-level
customizable variable, not some obscure feature that requires Lisp
programming to tailor it to your needs.

> Isn't the Bidi feature important and complicated enough to merit its own tailored set of customizable
> parameters?

It does have its private customizations, but this one isn't one of
them, I don't see why it should be.  The characters of the Cf general
category are quite a few, and Emacs handled them all the same, because
they all have the same nature.