On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 11:45 AM Stefan Kangas wrote: > Stefan Kangas writes: > > > Stefan Kangas writes: > > > >> So perhaps this feature request is relevant anymore. WDYT? > > > > I now see that Glenn mentioned resizing as well, where using the > > built-in image scaling seems very relevant. We currently jump through > > some unnecessary hoops in `image-dired-display-image' when we could just > > resize the image in memory. > > > > Is there any reason why `image-dired-display-image-mode' doesn't just > > inherit `image-mode'? That would avoid code duplication and also allow > > us to immediately benefit from any improvements to `image-mode'. Hi, sorry for coming late to the party. I cannot remember any good reason for not inheriting from `image-mode', but I opened image-dired.el now and found this: (defvar image-dired-display-image-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; `image-mode-map' has bindings that do not make sense in image-dired ;; (set-keymap-parent map image-mode-map) (define-key map "f" 'image-dired-display-current-image-full) (define-key map "s" 'image-dired-display-current-image-sized) (define-key map "g" nil) ;; Useful bindings from `image-mode-map' (define-key map [remap forward-char] 'image-forward-hscroll) (define-key map [remap backward-char] 'image-backward-hscroll) ... It seems I knew about `image-mode' but perhaps it never crossed my mind to inherit from it. 16 years later, my memory fails me... At any rate I have nothing against it, if someone wants to give it a try. /Mathias