Hi Cheng! Ah, it was the information that the expressions should be placed in the init file that I was missing. I can confirm that I can reproduce the problem using the following recipe. Place the following lines in a file, say bug22298.el: (when window-system (set-frame-size (selected-frame) 155 38 nil) (tool-bar-mode 1)) emacs -Q -l bug22298.el Here, Emacs use its standard frame size whereas it should use the newly specified size (155x38). -- Anders Lindgren > Thank you for looking into this. > In my bug report I listed two snippets that can be put into init.el. > When (tool-bar-mode 1) is set before set-frame-size, it works. When set > after set-frame-size, it won't. > Using C-x C-e to eval them, it works. So I think "emacs -Q" can not help > here. It's only about order of settings. > Later after reporting, I found tool-bar-mode is defaulted to "t" when > window-system is detected (in C source code), so I just removed it and > it works now. So it does not bother me any more, but I can not say this > bug is fixed.