emacs /path/to/src.tex -> C-c C-f -> ok buffer *tex-shell* pwd -> /path/to emacs /path/to -> C-x d -> src.tex -> C-c C-f -> src.tex not found (many other variations lead to similar failure) buffer *tex-shell* pwd -> /tmp Problem traced to function tex-send-tex-command(...). It does *not* change directory to location of src.tex Remove or comment out this conditional stanza (unless (or (equal dir (let ((buf (tex-shell-buf-no-error))) (and buf (with-current-buffer buf default-directory)))) (not dir)) (let (shell-dirtrack-verbose) (tex-send-command tex-shell-cd-command dir))) Replace with (let (shell-dirtrack-verbose) (tex-send-command tex-shell-cd-command dir)) solves this error. Proper solution requires unless... to be repaired.