Teemu Likonen writes: > This issue shows when initialization file has (custom-set-variables ...) > with sort-fold-case set, like this: > > (custom-set-variables > '(sort-fold-case t)) > > Saving some other variable through the customize interface will add > additional "t" symbol to the sort-fold-case form: > > (custom-set-variables > ;; Other variables... > '(sort-fold-case t t)) > > Some other customize changes change the form back to (sort-fold-case t), > that is, with single "t" symbol. > > Everything seems to be working but this behavior is harmful when Emacs > initialization files are in version control system (like Git) and > sort-fold-case variable keeps changing back and forth. > > You can reproduce the bug with this recipe: > > 1. Create ~/.emacs.el file with the following content (also attached > file). > > (custom-set-variables > '(sort-fold-case t)) > > 2. Start Emacs. > > 3. Use customize interface to change and save some other variable, for > example: > > M-x customize-variable RET show-trailing-whitespace RET > > Change variable's value to "t" and save it "for future sessions". > > 4. Now the custom-set-variables form in ~/.emacs.el file looks like > this: > > (custom-set-variables > '(show-trailing-whitespace t) > '(sort-fold-case t t)) > > See the added "t" in sort-fold-case. The second t is the NOW member, as described in custom-theme-set-variables. That means something makes Custom think that the customization should be installed right away. So that would not be a bug, if there were good reasons for it. In the recipe, step 3, sort.el hasn't been loaded in the session, so custom doesn't know yet that sort-fold-case is a custom option (i.e., (custom-variable-p sort-fold-case) ==> nil). And since custom-save-variables binds sort-fold-case to nil, the following yields t: (boundp sort-fold-case), so Custom thinks it has to add the NOW member to the list setting of sort-fold-case. But the sort-fold-case bindings seems unnecessary, since Custom doesn't use a single sort.el function, it only uses `sort' to sort the list of options to save. So, while the behavior observed is harmless, I propose to install the attached patch.