Here are two more screenshots: #4a shows a text exactly as it was loaded from the file. The vowel marks are totally missing, except for the word 'Allah', which for some reason displays the vowel marks. The shaddah mark above that word, in fact, is displayed twice, which is an error! You can see the word 'Allah' which is right at the left of the cursor. Those two marks (shaped like the number 3, but rotated 180° degrees) above the word are the shaddah. The reason for this anomaly might be that is some systems the word Allah is a glyph on its own, which includes the shaddah mark; if that was the case, this part of the problem could be solved by removing any additional shaddah mark that might have been added to that glyph. Anyhow, this was a digression. The main problem is that the vowel marks are not displayed at all in the other words. #4b shows the same text, after the cursor has passed over them. This is the nearest it comes to displaying the vowel marks correctly. But again, they are out of synch with the letters, so the whole vocalization is wrong! Yet another two problems that I just noticed: * the vertical space allotted to each line of text is not enough. You can see from #4b that part of the vowel marks is cut off and thus missing. This problem might be solved by increasing the inter-line space, but wouldn't be nice if the proper inter-line space was calculated and set automatically by the system? * in #4b you can see, about 1cm at the left of the cursor, that two vowel marks are overlapping in the same space, and of course they shouldn't.