Alex Khesin <> schrieb am Di., 23. Feb. 2016 um 08:20 Uhr:
emacs 25 choses fonts with different average width for 7x13 font, making bold text take more horizontal space.  This is particularly a problem when using themes like which use bold to hihglight matching parenthesis in show-paren-mode, causing characters to shift as the cursor is moved from a parenthesis to a non-parenthesis character.

Repro that demonstrates the problem in both 25 pretest 1 and current head (but is perfectly ok in emacs 24):

$ emacs -Q --eval '(progn (set-face-font '\''default "7x13") (print (face-font "default")) (print (face-font "bold")))'


Notice the jump from 70 to 80 before the iso8859 component - that's the average width, and that's what I believe is causing bold characters to render wider than non-bold ones.  Both are 70 in emacs 24.

This appears to be a regression from Emacs 24. Would be great if somebody who has knowledge about this area could look into this.