<npostavs@users.sourceforge.net> schrieb am Fr., 21. Apr. 2017 um 05:28 Uhr:
tags 26360 patch

Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2@gmail.com> writes:
> Here's a patch (which includes a couple of other commands).

Patch looks good, except the test seems redundant to me.  I don't think
it's useful to test that a command is defined, or testing that specific
keybindings have been set (i.e., no need to test again that `defun' or
`define-key' are working).

I've used a bit of TDD for this patch, thus the verbose test. Unfortunately the actual functionality is very hard to test :-(
  Also, it would fail if run from a
non-default emacs configuration that has changed the keybindings.

True, but the main use of the tests is for continuous integration, where the environment is controlled.