Philipp Stephani <> schrieb am Mo., 22. Jan. 2018 um 21:42 Uhr:
Eli Zaretskii <> schrieb am Mo., 22. Jan. 2018 um 16:57 Uhr:
> From: Philipp Stephani <>
> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 10:51:32 +0100
> C-x b *foo* RET
> M-: (progn (add-to-invisibility-spec 'bar) (insert (propertize "foo" 'invisible 'foo)))
> Now "foo" is visible, as it should be.
> M-x fundamental-mode => "foo" becomes invisible, because
> `kill-all-local-variables' has reset `buffer-invisibility-spec' to t.
> This can be confusing for modes that use conditional invisibility
> properties such as markdown-mode.
> Probably `kill-all-local-variables' shouldn't blindly reset
> `buffer-invisibility-spec', or maybe it should remove conditional
> invisibility properties.

Why can't you make buffer-invisibility-spec be a permanent-local
variable in the cases where that is TRT?

Hmm, yes, that sounds like a good idea. Let me try that. 

I don't think this works: The permanent-local property is a global symbol property, but I'd need it to be per-buffer.