Hi Lars, I'm pretty close to having a patch ready, but I'm stuck in one key spot. I don't know if anyone on the list could help? After the user registers a hotkey, and when they press the hotkey, MacOS will run the code below. On the line "RUN_SOME_ELISP_FUNCTION", I would expect some elisp function to be run (e.g. 'emacs-version'). But no matter what I do, it always crashes the program. I think my first problem is not knowing how to call elisp (run_hooks, safe_call, etc?) correctly, but second, I suspect if this is crashing due to a threading issue. handler = [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:(NSEventMaskKeyDown) handler:^(NSEvent *event){ if (event.modifierFlags & modifier) if([event.charactersIgnoringModifiers characterAtIndex:0] == vkey) { RUN_SOME_ELISP_FUNCTION [[NSApp mainWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp]; } } }]; Is there anyone who might know how to fill in this piece? Thanks On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 12:39 PM Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote: > j@mremus.net writes: > > > MacOS makes it very difficult to assign global hotkeys to focus > > Emacs. For example, if I'm in another program, and I want to > > launch/focus Emacs with "Alt-SPC", it can't just be set in the system > > preferences; I'd need to use a 3rd-party program like skhd. > > > > Would it be possible to add a function or hook to Emacs which registers > one or > > more global hotkeys (using addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask), and > then > > when the hotkey is pressed, run an elisp function? > > [...] > > > Even if it's rare for Emacs to implement an OS-specific feature, there > > is some precedent on Windows. If you look at w32-register-hot-keys, > > it's similar to, but different from my request. > > Sure, I think that makes sense. Would it be possible for you to work up > a patch that adds this functionality? > > -- > (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) > bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no >