вт, 21 дек. 2021 г., 16:28 Yuuki Harano <masm+emacs@masm11.me>:

> The main issue now is that horizontal
> scrolling with a touchpad no longer works for me. All horizontal events
> are registered as mwheel-down events.

Are all of left and right scroll events registered as mwheel-down?

Does the issue reproduce even if `emacs -Q`?

Yuuki Harano 

I've figured out that this was caused by me enabling `pixel-scroll-precision-mode'. If the mode is enabled, all horizontal events are treated as wheel-down in PGTK build. Additionally to that, it seems that all events that are not exactly wheel-up are treated as down events, e.g. C-<wheel-up> is also seen as C-<wheel-down> (in `emacs -Q' with `pixel-scroll-precision-mode' enabled)

When `pixel-scroll-precision-mode' is disabled everything works fine.
When compiled without `--with-pgtk' but with `--with-xinput2' `pixel-scroll-precision-mode' works as expected.

Andrey Listopadov