OK. Here we go. I found some time last night. Attached is a git patch file for changes that implement this feature request as well as (GNU) diffs for the individual files in question. It's a pretty simple commit. It's worth noting that I'm probably overlooking something in how I create the glyph, I definitely don't understand the nuances of the display code. But I hope it's helpful.

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 12:27 PM Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> From: Michael Gallagher - NOAA Affiliate <michael.r.gallagher@noaa.gov>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:17:09 -0600
> Cc: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>, 50506@debbugs.gnu.org
> Funny enough, that's *exactly* what I tried to do, but I ran into problems getting the variable to display in
> customize-variable (a problem with what I put in cus-start.el?) and if I manually used setq it didn't seem to
> get translated correctly by the way I coded the macro.

I think if you look up all the pieces that handle
display-fill-column-indicator-character, both in C and in Lisp, you
will have your answers.  Feel free to ask specific questions if
something is still unclear after that.

Michael Gallagher, PhD
CIRES Research Scientist
Polar Observations and Processes Team (ESRL/NOAA/PSD)
325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305