Apologies, after considering my previous email and confirming it with research, I learned that the 'c' abbreviation is for the "control" key, not shift. I am new to Emacs so I had a brief lapse of judgement.

I suppose my last email was self-demonstrative ;)

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020, 3:38 AM Alexander Summers <alexandermsummers@gmail.com> wrote:
In the preface to the Emacs manual, it is recommended that the reader first access the tutorial with "C-h t". However, I'm not sure if the target audience for that particular paragraph will know what that means -- that is, to hold down Shift and h, release, and then type 't'. I am concerned this instruction might confuse them.

Also, it seems the HTML version is missing this preface entirely. Why is that the case?

Alexander Summers