I am reporting a bug in emacs version 24.5.1. It appears both on a mac an on a linux machine. Some functions in fortran fixed-format mode, with lines exceeding 72 columns (132 for example), still assume a 72 column width, independent of the value of variable fortran-line-length In particular sexp operations like (forward-sexp) assume characters past 72 columns are comments. Consider the attached "example.f" : Read the file with emacs -Q example.f Change variable fortran-line-length : (set-variable (quote fortran-line-length) 132 nil) so that now: (describe-variable (quote fortran-line-length)) returns: fortran-line-length is a variable defined in `fortran.el'. Its value is 132 Original value was 72 Local in buffer example.f; global value is 72 Move the point just after test1, so it precedes the first expression (..). In this case forward-sexp works as expected. Move the point just after test2, so it precedes the second expression (..). In this case forward-sexp fails to find the end of the expression. Note also that "twelve)" is highlighted as though it is a comment. This problem does not appear in emacs 21.4 -- Professor Mark van Schilfgaarde Tel. +44 (0)207 848 7246 Department of Physics Fax. +44 (0)20 7848 2420 King's College London e-mail: Mark.vanSchilfgaarde@gmail.com Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK http://www.kcl.ac.uk/physics