X-Debbugs-CC: francesco.dellapietra@gmail.com X-Debbugs-CC: bugs@aquamacs.org Emacs fails to recognize the encoding of a relatively short file with Mac-like line endings (attached). I think that this is the main problem. This I have reproduced in a 23-based Emacs. If the file is made longer (with more LaTeX code), line-endings seem to be recognized correctly. The user's report is below; you can see that he is surprised by Emacs trying to be smart and guessing the encoding from \usepackage[mac]{inputenv} in his LaTeX file. Note that it only guesses this when the file is re-loaded - not upon the first save. That is part of why this is surprising "by design". (Then, the LaTeX-aware encoding guesser seems to ignore the actual line-endings of the file being loaded and goes for "Mac".)