Quick feedback: -------------- The interface for todo-mode looks good. Info documentation is good. The starting few nodes are a bit too dense while the later nodes seem like a lucid read. Recommendation: --------------- I would recommend it for simple todo-lists. Once the entries become more, then categorization of entries looks like a rocket science. (Or I should say, new users should be sufficiently trained.) Verdict: -------- Too many moving parts and the module needs to stabilize a bit. I INVARIABLY run in to problems. Giving up: --------- 1. For example, as I was exercising todo-mode for preparing this bug report, the file ran in to an inconsistent state - A category with no todo or done items was reporting 6 entries in `F c' table. I wondered whether deleting the categories sexp and C-x C-q ing would repair the todo file. Unfortunately, that doesn't help. So I am attaching a "broken" todo file. To add to the entries in the attached file, 1. Undo support while in todo-mode. 2. The following markers used in the todo file --==-- ==--== are they consistent with the outline-mode. If not, some consideration should be given so that they are compatible with outline-regexps. Additional comment: ------------------ As some one who is familiar with (but doesn't use) Orgmode's data model, I can share some opinions, if permitted. With no further ado, here comes the attachment. Repairing the attached file is reader's responsibility.