> From: dima@sphinx.net.ru
> To: herberteuler@hotmail.com
> CC: 3794@emacsbugs.donarmstrong.com; bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org
> CC: nickrob@snap.net.nz
> Subject: Re: bug#3794: Error in json from gdb-ui
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 17:26:37 +0400
> > I tried M-x gdb to run emacs under gdb. The command line was
> >
> > gdb -i=mi ~/src/emacs/src/emacs
> >
> > and I got the error '(json-object-format ":" 44). Here is the backtrace:
> Thank you for reporting this bug.
> I could reproduce your problem and I wrote a workaround which fixes the
> bug for me. Could you please try the attached patch for gdb-mi.el?

That patch works for me, too.  Thanks.

But h ere are some other problems:

1. When there's file .gdbinit in the directory of the debugged
program, and there're breakpoints in that file, M-x gdb showed those
breakpoints aft! er started previously, while the new implementation
doesn't, unless requesting them explicitly with "info b".

2. The command "shell" is broken: In M-x gdb,

     shell ps aux | grep emacs

results in no output; but in a "real" gdb, the output looks like this:

     shell ps aux | grep emacs
     &"shell ps aux | grep emacs\n"
     xgp   4886  1.3  0.1 80796 25900 pts/1   T    09:38   0:08 emacs
     xgp   4936  0.3  0.1 77688 22568 pts/10  T+   09:39   0:02 ./emacs
     xgp   5209  0.0  0.1 28128 16548 pts/6&n bsp;  Ss+  09:46   0:00 /usr/local/bin/gdb -i=mi emacs
     xgp   5353  0.4  0.1 28184 16584 pts/1   S+   ! 09:49   0:00 gdb -i=mi emacs
   &n! bsp; xgp   5354  0.0  0.0 52800  976 pts/1    S+   09:49   0:00 bash -c ps aux | grep emacs
     xgp   5356  0.0  0.0 51124  688 pts/1    S+   09:49   0:00 grep emacs

3. Previously, typing directly RET at the M-x gdb prompt repeats the
last command in history.  This is also what a "real" gdb does.  But
in the new implementation, this does nothing now.

As Nick said, this implementation is still in developing.  Should I
wait then?

Guanpeng Xu

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