When open file from console, there are some strange symbols pasted on the cursor position:  "1;2600;0".
This happens accidentally if you type something while emacs still starting.

Easily reproduced when you run Emacs from ssh session on remote server.
Somewhat harder to do this on local machine — but I managed to reproduce it 1-2 times.

I use:
Emacs 23.3.1, self-compiled, and also reproduced on older versions (from Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 packages).
GNOME Terminal 2.32.0
Remote server, when ssh'ing — Ubuntu 10.04.2

There's some duscussion of the problem here: http://groups.google.com/group/gnu.emacs.help/browse_thread/thread/dca1b7286458aaf5

I consider it a bug, as it's embarrassing for me (as end-user of Emacs), when I edit some script on server,
and later it crashes, because some strange "1;2600;0" in the beginning of file, which I missed.
Seems like I have a habit to type "C-n" or "C-v" instantly when opening some files, so I got the issue from time to time.

(sorry for my English — mistakes are possible)
