On Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Dmitry Gutov wrote:
On 19.12.2013 14:54, Bozhidar Batsov wrote:
I can confirm that your method args indentation fix is working. I did,
however, notice the following problem after I mentioned the
if/unless/case with assignment indentation. Consider the following:

res = method do |x, y|

Might make sense to indent those like:

res = method do |x, y|

for consistency with the if/unless/case indentation by default.

It might be more consistent, but I don't see any projects doing that.
For example, ActiveRecord, Grape, Goliath and Rack don't.

Check out the examples at the top:



It can be an option, though.
Part of the reason people are not using a particular style from time to time is simply lack of tool support. :-) I guess more people would have used that style if their editor supported it.


Come to think of it, do you see the "align end to the keyword" style
much? I did a grep on my gems directory, and the other style seems to be
prevalent, especially among the non-core gems:

Pry, RDoc, Minitest, Rubygems, EventMachine, Nokogiri align to keyword.

ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport, other Active* gems, Cucumber, Thor, Grape,
Excon, WebMock, Faraday align to the beginning of the statement.

RSpec uses both. Yard aligns to keyword after "=", but to statement
after "||=".

Maybe we even should align to the statement by default, because, you
know, Rails.
Well, even though I develop Rails apps for a living I wouldn’t say the style used in the Rails codebase should be considered some gold standard - after all they are outdenting “private/protected” there :-) That said - before I started using programming Ruby in Emacs I aligned to the beginning of the statement, but I stopped because this wasn’t supported in ruby-mode. After using the alignment to keyword style for several years I’ve grown to like it a lot (and it seems others are enjoying it as well http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2925028/how-do-you-assign-a-variable-with-the-result-of-a-if-else-block). I’m perfectly fine with alignment to statement becoming the default (although the change of this default would be fairly visible/disruptive, since as it stands keyword alignment is the only supported style and I guess most Rubyists using Emacs employ it). 


res =
method do |x, y|

is actually indented like this:

res =
method do |x, y|

Guess we can special-case this.
That’d be great.