-------------------------------------------------------------------------- la trang web ho tro ca hai thu tieng Anh va Viet, giup nguoi dung ket noi den hau het tat ca cac trang web o Viet Nam. Hang ngay cac trang web moi lien tuc duoc cap nhat them va ban cung co the tu bo sung trang web cua minh. Cac dich vu va tien ich cua se giup ban tim nhung lien ket can thiet theo cach nhanh nhat va quan ly cac lien ket ua thich mot cach hieu qua nhat. khong chi don thuan la mot nien giam ve trang web tai Viet Nam, ma thuc su la mot sang tao mang tinh nhan ban va cong nghe. Hon the nua, dung nhu ten goi cua no, se la cau noi mang hang ty nguoi dung Internet tren the gioi den voi Viet Nam. Hy vong se huu ich cho moi nguoi va dong gop vao su nghiep xay dung mot dat nuoc Viet Nam tuoi dep. Rat cam on ban da doc thu nay. Ban nho gioi thieu trang web voi ban be va dong nghiep nhe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to introduce, an English - Vietnamese bilingual website that contains approximately ALL sites available in Vietnam. New websites are updated daily and you can also add your links to our database by yourself. Ultimate services and utilities of shall enable you to find needed links in the fastest way and effectively manage your favorites. is more than a directory of websites in Vietnam, but a truly human-to-human technological innovation. Not even so, as it is called, shall bridge billions of Internet users all over the world with Vietnam. Supposedly it shall be useful to all and thus will contribute to the cause of developing a better Vietnam. Thank you very much for your usage, and your friends and colleagues will appreciate if you tell them about the website.