I am not sure if the title is descriptive enough, or even correct, but as seen from attached code and image, I am trying to align two strings in a center of each strings line. It works now when string-pixel-width correctly calculates pixel widths. However, I would prefer if I could just use :align-to center as a spec for a string as property. Currently we have to use space as a spacer as we used to use gif-spacers back in time. I am not sure about how semantics would work, there are several cases to consider, but generally if a string or a stretch of text in a string were given text property 'display '(:align-to center), then Emacs would align that stretch of text in the middle of the line that text occupies. There would be cases where text dooes not fit the line, where there are multiple such substring in same line maybe etc. I don't know if it is possible or not, I am not familar with the display code, nor am I sure about the syntax of proposal, but it would be nice and probably useful to have some more declarative approach then what I had to do procedurally in the attached example.